by Nicki Powell
21 June 2021
The aim is to increase the awareness of bladder and bowel problems and to highlight that help is at hand, and it is no longer something to feel ashamed of. The World Health Organisation have estimated that there are 200 million people who suffer from some type of continence problem, with the NHS estimating figures of between 3 and 6 million people in the UK alone. Common types of incontinence include, stress, urge, functional, mixed incontinence and neurological bladder disorders. Stress incontinence – the most common type and occurs when the pelvic floor muscles, that support the bladder, weaken. Any increased pressure on your bladder, such as laughing, sneezing and lifting, may cause urine to leak as the pelvic floor muscles are unable to tighten enough to stop the flow. Urge incontinence – known as overactive bladder and occurs when you have a sudden urge to urinate without warning. Functional incontinence – due to physical or mental illness, some are unable to reach the bathroom in time. Neurological incontinence – when the brain and the bladder cannot communicate properly due to neurological dysfunction. Treatment will depend on what type of incontinence you suffer from but does include pelvic floor muscle training, changes to lifestyle, bladder training and advice, and may include medication if necessary. At NP Physio, a detailed and specific assessment will be carried out, followed by a bespoke pelvic floor muscle training programme, advice and bladder retraining. Women and men who carry out pelvic floor exercises, report fewer leaking episodes and better quality of life. Do not hesitate to make an appointment if you suffer with any of the above and remember, do not suffer in silence!