Running benefits:
This study reported that runners had roughly half the incidence of knee osteoarthritis as walkers.
"Recreational running at any time in life does not appear detrimental, and may be protective in regards to developing knee osteoarthritis”, the researchers concluded.
The study illustrated that:
Being sedentary and over-weight poses a much greater risk of developing knee arthritis, than if you maintain a healthy weight and keep fit.
Having accurate beliefs is so important, and understanding that running plays an important protecting role against arthritis.
For runners who have experienced some joint pain, it’s important about gradually building up the muscle control and load and seek help from a physiotherapist.
Biking Benefits:
Biking gets your legs moving through their range of motion. This encourages the production of synovial fluid, which lubricates and nourishes the joints. It also builds muscles in your core and legs. When these muscles are stronger, they better support the joints and relieve some of the pressure.
Exercising on stationary bikes lessened the pain and improved function in people with knee osteoarthritis.
Benefits of exercise:
Exercise and weight loss is the first line of treatment for OA.