Women's Health Services

Women's Health Services 

 Women’s Health physiotherapy is the treatment of all disorders affecting the pelvis and pelvic floor. There is growing evidence that physiotherapy can alleviate, and in many cases cure these symptoms. 

Obstetrics Physiotherapy Services

Obstetrics physiotherapy involves the assessment and treatment of the musculoskeletal system during and after pregnancy. 

 Hormonal and physiological changes throughout pregnancy can trigger pain and discomfort. The goal is to improve any symptoms and to ensure you remain fit and healthy throughout your pregnancy preparing you for labour and caring for your baby. 
After your baby is born, you must strengthen the muscles which have been lengthened during pregnancy. This will help to prevent backache and other conditions, improve posture and reduce risk of incontinence. Pelvic floor muscles are one of the most important muscles to strengthen after birth due to the weight of carrying a baby. The pelvic floor muscles are essential for providing support for our pelvic organs (bladder, bowels and womb), they keep us continent and they contribute to sexual function.

At NP Physio, a full natal assessment includes a pelvic floor assessment, a load impact and muscle strength testing. This is to ensure key muscle groups are fully prepared for all levels of activities, sports and caring for your baby. 
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Gynaecology Physiotherapy Services

Gynaecology physiotherapy involves the assessment and management of any conditions affecting the pelvis and pelvic floor such as incontinence (stress, urge or mixed), prolapse and constipation

Treatment consists of pelvic floor muscle re-training (with or without stimulation/biofeedback), correcting poor bladder habits, reducing any associated risks, advice and education. Pelvic floor muscle re-training is essential for anyone of any age with or without a history of pregnancy/birth. 

Pelvic floor muscle re-training will initially start in a relaxed position aiming to isolate the pelvic floor muscles. The goal will be to gradually introduce more muscle groups and progress into a more dynamic programme.   This also depends on individual patient goals. A specific programme has been set up to support those who are keen to return to running or impact classes. 

STIMULATION is the process of delivering a small electrical current to your pelvic floor muscles to make them contract and improve muscle tone. It can also reduce symptoms of urgency (sudden, strong desire to urinate that cannot be delayed).

BIOFEEDBACK is a treatment modality that helps to re-train your pelvic floor muscles to improve bladder and bowel function and reduce some types of pelvic floor pain.
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